sábado, 17 de setembro de 2011

Mozart, Marriage of Figaro, overture (bar-graph score)

Enviado por em 29/07/2010

Overture to Mozart's Marriage of Figaro, accompanied by a bar-graph score.


Q: Where can I download this video?
A: You can get it here:

Q: Who is performing?
A: I don't know. This recording was licensed from Royalty Free Classical Music, which is run by Keith J. Salmon.

Q: Why are the notes sometimes cut off at the top?
A: My mistake. I've fixed this and posted a new version here:
(BTW, the fixed version is the one available for download at Cerizmo.)

Q: How did you synchronize the audio with the animation?
A: You can read a general description of the process here:

Q: Is there a way I could make this kind of animation myself?
A: The Music Animation Machine MIDI file player will generate this kind of display; you can get the (Windows) software here:
There are lots of places on the web where you can get MIDI files; I usually go to the Classical Archives site first:

Q: Could you please do a MAM video of _________?
A: Please read this:



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